Books I have bought for the BMW so far

I have been stocking the library up for books to keep the BMW on the road.  This is what I have so far.  I found lots of info on the web as well
BMW 3 and 5 Series 1982-1992 (Haynes Manuals)
BMW Enthusiast’s Companion: Owner Insights on Driving, Performance and Service
BMW 3 Series (E30) Service Manual: 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990


Last month, we decided that the SAAB experiment wasn’t going to work.  Paul sent me my money back and the search for a weekend toy convertible started all over again.


Here is what I got, a 1987 BMW 325i.   I have had it out with the girls the last 2 weekends and it has been a blast.   I am really enjoying it.